Category: Blog

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Dhana Karaka Workshop

Śrī Jagannāth Center announces its first workshop in the study of Dhana Yoga. This workshop shall lay the foundation for the study of wealth and career directions. There are three pivots to the study of life and these are the three charts – lagna, sūrya and chandra chakra. The role played by each of these charts is to be examined in the first day of this two-day workshop. On the second day, we examine the role of Devaguru Bṛhaspati as the kāraka. It is interesting that all three sattva guṇa planets – Sun, Moon and Jupiter play such an important role in life.

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SoHamsa Free Courses

A lot of our courses are going to be old enough to be marked as ‘Free’ as the cost of their creation has been covered.

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Marriage and Relationships Workshop

Devaguru Bṛhaspati Centre (DBC) announces its series of Vyāsa Workshops to be held at Delhi, India.Every aspect of life is touched inconsiderable detail as a new bond is made. This implies every bhāva affecting the seventh bhāva of relationships in some manner or the other as well as the navāṁśa. Yet before we venture into the varga and other deeper subtleties of relationships, we need to understand the rāśi chart itself.
Matching is not just a guṇa score where the traditional belief that a high score indicates great marriage has already been proved to be so wrong. We plan this for a future workshop where we shall study guṇa matching in some detail. Our plan for the start is to do some useful jyotiṣa where we are going into the teachings of the purānic jyotiṣa.

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