Category: Dhana Karaka

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Posted in Dhana Karaka

Dhana Karaka

Sūrya is the controller of Rajas guṇa. We learn about Sūrya Kendra and the position of the four digpāla, especially Kubera the controller of wealth in the horoscope. We get to see why some people are truly blessed and have a greater access to wealth resources due to the blessing of Kubera. The effect of parivartana as well as double parivartana shall be examined alone with some case studies so that the concept of Sūrya Kendra becomes very clear.
Chandra is the suppresser of Tamas guṇa. Chandra kendra play a crucial role in deciding the four ayana – dharma, artha, kāma and mokṣa. We develop the theme from asta lagna and amalā yoga to show why the tenth bhāva from Chandra Lagna is so important for initiating one’s career and path. After all the mind is the real boss of the being. In addition, we learn some Chandra Yoga as taught by Parāśara including sunaphā, anaphā and durudharā yogas, chandra upachaya yoga including the derivation of upachaya based on asta lagna. Kemadruma yoga, daridra yoga and natural maturity will be touched.

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