Category: Vyasa Class

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Posted in Vyasa Class


By V.K.Chawla
What is a divisional Chart Introduction Maharshi Parasara has prescribed 16 divisional charts in BPHS. As Sh Narsimha Rao wrote in his article that Sage Parasara even before he defined what different houses stand for, he defined the divisional charts and lists the matters to be judged in each divisional chart. It is clear that he considers divisional charts to be a very important visionary of Jyotisha and these touched me too. The divisional chart based on the 10th division of signs, the current topic of discussion is called Dasamsa or Dasamamsa or Karmamsa or Swargamsa. The Dasamsa chart is very easy to cast. Each sign is divided into 10 equal parts. If the Rasi is odd, the 10 parts of the Rasi go into the 10 consecutive Rasis starting from that Rasi itself. If the Rasi is even, the 10 parts of the Rasi go into the 10 consecutive Rasis starting from the 9th Rasi from the Rasi in consideration.

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